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One Faculty Tabling

Dear Chapter Leader:

You may have heard about the grassroots National Adjunct Walkout Day on February 25. Whether or not you are planning to participate, we invite you to take the opportunity to support contingent faculty on your campus and spread the word about the AAUP’s One Faculty campaign by setting up an information table.

The One Faculty campaign seeks to educate campus communities about the issues contingent faculty face, to develop tools to fight contingency and protect faculty rights and responsibilities, and to create stronger relationships between faculty and the students and communities with which they work. Tabling is one means of furthering these educational and alliance building processes.

At http://www.aaup.org/one-faculty-tabling-materials, you can find some basic materials for tabling, including flyers to post around campus and for use at the tables and a One Faculty principles handout. You may also want to create additional materials specific to your campus or aimed at students.

Tabling also provides chapters an avenue for actively engaging your members. The more active members are, the more power you have to create change at the campus level!

Chapter members can use flyers and handouts to start conversations with the various constituencies on their campuses. These conversations might cover issues outlined in the handouts as well as situations specific to a chapter’s campus. The flyers contain an online address for our complete set of One Faculty materials, where those interested can find more resources. That address is www.aaup.org/one-faculty.

Feel free to get creative! Hand out peanuts to signify adjunct wages. Distribute hot chocolate to attract more foot traffic.

If your chapter plans on participating in tabling, please contact your regional organizer to confirm. Please also plan on taking a photo of your tabling to share on Twitter. You can share it using the hashtag #onefaculty, or you can send it to your regional organizer to share.­

Regional Organizers

  • East—Emily McCann, emccann@aaup.org
  • Midwest—Kira Schuman, kschuman@aaup.org
  • Pacific Northwest—Dawn Tefft, dtefft@aaup.org
  • West—Jason Elias, jelias@aaup.org