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Journal of Academic Freedom Vol. 8

We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 8 of the AAUP's Journal of Academic Freedom. The journal features recent scholarship on academic freedom and its relation to shared governance, tenure, and collective bargaining. Highlights from the volume include an article by Andrew Ross on academic labor and human rights at overseas branch campuses of US universities and an essay by Joan W. Scott on the essential difference between free speech and academic freedom

Follow the links to each article in the table of contents below or access the complete volume at https://www.aaup.org/JAF8.

For Volume 9, which will be edited by new faculty editor Rachel Buff, the AAUP’s Journal of Academic Freedom seeks scholarly articles exploring current mobilizations of the term free speech and their connections to existing practices and concepts of constitutionally protected speech and academic freedom. See the call for papers.

—Jennifer H. Ruth, Faculty Editor

The Journal of Academic Freedom is supported by funding from the AAUP Foundation.