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The Greater Our Numbers, the Stronger Our Voice

If you care enough about the future of higher education to be an AAUP member, we hope you’ll now take the next step and encourage your colleagues to join at www.aaup.org.

The AAUP is introducing a new simplified dues structure based on income:

  • $30,000 and less: $45
  • $30,001-$40,000: $60
  • $40,001-$50,000: $80
  • $50,001-$60,000: $100
  • $60,001-$70,000: $140
  • $70,001-$80,000: $165
  • $80,001-$100,000: $185
  • $100,001-$120,000: $205
  • More than $120,000: $225
The most effective way to get new members is to go door to door to your colleagues’ offices, because people are more likely to join if asked directly and offered the chance to talk with you in person about the work of the AAUP on behalf of the profession, at the local, state, and national level. Give them the new dues schedule, ask them what their key concerns about higher education are, and try to show them what AAUP is doing to help. See if they will join while you are there.

To Join the AAUP, Visit www.AAUP.org