errors)) $this->errors = array();
function createArchive($file_list){
$result = false;
if (file_exists($this->archive_name) && is_file($this->archive_name)) $newArchive = false;
else $newArchive = true;
if ($newArchive){
if (!$this->openWrite()) return false;
} else {
if (filesize($this->archive_name) == 0) return $this->openWrite();
if ($this->isGzipped) {
if (!rename($this->archive_name, $this->archive_name.'.tmp')){
$this->errors[] = __('Cannot rename').' '.$this->archive_name.__(' to ').$this->archive_name.'.tmp';
return false;
$tmpArchive = gzopen($this->archive_name.'.tmp', 'rb');
if (!$tmpArchive){
$this->errors[] = $this->archive_name.'.tmp '.__('is not readable');
rename($this->archive_name.'.tmp', $this->archive_name);
return false;
if (!$this->openWrite()){
rename($this->archive_name.'.tmp', $this->archive_name);
return false;
$buffer = gzread($tmpArchive, 512);
if (!gzeof($tmpArchive)){
do {
$binaryData = pack('a512', $buffer);
$buffer = gzread($tmpArchive, 512);
while (!gzeof($tmpArchive));
} else {
$this->tmp_file = fopen($this->archive_name, 'r+b');
if (!$this->tmp_file) return false;
if (isset($file_list) && is_array($file_list)) {
if (count($file_list)>0)
$result = $this->packFileArray($file_list);
} else $this->errors[] = __('No file').__(' to ').__('Archive');
if (($result)&&(is_resource($this->tmp_file))){
$binaryData = pack('a512', '');
if ($newArchive && !$result){
return $result;
function restoreArchive($path){
$fileName = $this->archive_name;
if (!$this->isGzipped){
if (file_exists($fileName)){
if ($fp = fopen($fileName, 'rb')){
$data = fread($fp, 2);
if ($data == '\37\213'){
$this->isGzipped = true;
elseif ((substr($fileName, -2) == 'gz') OR (substr($fileName, -3) == 'tgz')) $this->isGzipped = true;
$result = true;
if ($this->isGzipped) $this->tmp_file = gzopen($fileName, 'rb');
else $this->tmp_file = fopen($fileName, 'rb');
if (!$this->tmp_file){
$this->errors[] = $fileName.' '.__('is not readable');
return false;
$result = $this->unpackFileArray($path);
return $result;
function showErrors ($message = '') {
$Errors = $this->errors;
if(count($Errors)>0) {
if (!empty($message)) $message = ' ('.$message.')';
$message = __('Error occurred').$message.':
foreach ($Errors as $value)
$message .= $value.'
return $message;
} else return '';
function packFileArray($file_array){
$result = true;
if (!$this->tmp_file){
$this->errors[] = __('Invalid file descriptor');
return false;
if (!is_array($file_array) || count($file_array)<=0)
return true;
for ($i = 0; $iarchive_name)
if (strlen($filename)<=0)
if (!file_exists($filename)){
$this->errors[] = __('No file').' '.$filename;
if (!$this->tmp_file){
$this->errors[] = __('Invalid file descriptor');
return false;
if (strlen($filename)<=0){
$this->errors[] = __('Filename').' '.__('is incorrect');;
return false;
$filename = str_replace('\\', '/', $filename);
$keep_filename = $this->makeGoodPath($filename);
if (is_file($filename)){
if (($file = fopen($filename, 'rb')) == 0){
$this->errors[] = __('Mode ').__('is incorrect');
if(($this->file_pos == 0)){
if(!$this->writeHeader($filename, $keep_filename))
return false;
while (($buffer = fread($file, 512)) != ''){
$binaryData = pack('a512', $buffer);
} else $this->writeHeader($filename, $keep_filename);
if (@is_dir($filename)){
if (!($handle = opendir($filename))){
$this->errors[] = __('Error').': '.__('Directory ').$filename.__('is not readable');
while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))){
if ($dir!='.' && $dir!='..'){
$file_array_tmp = array();
if ($filename != '.')
$file_array_tmp[] = $filename.'/'.$dir;
$file_array_tmp[] = $dir;
$result = $this->packFileArray($file_array_tmp);
return $result;
function unpackFileArray($path){
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
if ($path == '' || (substr($path, 0, 1) != '/' && substr($path, 0, 3) != '../' && !strpos($path, ':'))) $path = './'.$path;
while (strlen($binaryData = $this->readBlock()) != 0){
if (!$this->readHeader($binaryData, $header)) return false;
if ($header['filename'] == '') continue;
if ($header['typeflag'] == 'L'){ //reading long header
$filename = '';
$decr = floor($header['size']/512);
for ($i = 0; $i < $decr; $i++){
$content = $this->readBlock();
$filename .= $content;
if (($laspiece = $header['size'] % 512) != 0){
$content = $this->readBlock();
$filename .= substr($content, 0, $laspiece);
$binaryData = $this->readBlock();
if (!$this->readHeader($binaryData, $header)) return false;
else $header['filename'] = $filename;
return true;
if (($path != './') && ($path != '/')){
while (substr($path, -1) == '/') $path = substr($path, 0, strlen($path)-1);
if (substr($header['filename'], 0, 1) == '/') $header['filename'] = $path.$header['filename'];
else $header['filename'] = $path.'/'.$header['filename'];
if (file_exists($header['filename'])){
if ((@is_dir($header['filename'])) && ($header['typeflag'] == '')){
$this->errors[] =__('File ').$header['filename'].__(' already exists').__(' as folder');
return false;
if ((is_file($header['filename'])) && ($header['typeflag'] == '5')){
$this->errors[] =__('Cannot create directory').'. '.__('File ').$header['filename'].__(' already exists');
return false;
if (!is_writeable($header['filename'])){
$this->errors[] = __('Cannot write to file').'. '.__('File ').$header['filename'].__(' already exists');
return false;
} elseif (($this->dirCheck(($header['typeflag'] == '5' ? $header['filename'] : dirname($header['filename'])))) != 1){
$this->errors[] = __('Cannot create directory').' '.__(' for ').$header['filename'];
return false;
if ($header['typeflag'] == '5'){
if (!file_exists($header['filename'])) {
if (!mkdir($header['filename'], 0777)) {
$this->errors[] = __('Cannot create directory').' '.$header['filename'];
return false;
} else {
if (($destination = fopen($header['filename'], 'wb')) == 0) {
$this->errors[] = __('Cannot write to file').' '.$header['filename'];
return false;
} else {
$decr = floor($header['size']/512);
for ($i = 0; $i < $decr; $i++) {
$content = $this->readBlock();
fwrite($destination, $content, 512);
if (($header['size'] % 512) != 0) {
$content = $this->readBlock();
fwrite($destination, $content, ($header['size'] % 512));
touch($header['filename'], $header['time']);
if (filesize($header['filename']) != $header['size']) {
$this->errors[] = __('Size of file').' '.$header['filename'].' '.__('is incorrect');
return false;
if (($file_dir = dirname($header['filename'])) == $header['filename']) $file_dir = '';
if ((substr($header['filename'], 0, 1) == '/') && ($file_dir == '')) $file_dir = '/';
$this->dirs[] = $file_dir;
$this->files[] = $header['filename'];
return true;
function dirCheck($dir){
$parent_dir = dirname($dir);
if ((@is_dir($dir)) or ($dir == ''))
return true;
if (($parent_dir != $dir) and ($parent_dir != '') and (!$this->dirCheck($parent_dir)))
return false;
if (!mkdir($dir, 0777)){
$this->errors[] = __('Cannot create directory').' '.$dir;
return false;
return true;
function readHeader($binaryData, &$header){
if (strlen($binaryData)==0){
$header['filename'] = '';
return true;
if (strlen($binaryData) != 512){
$header['filename'] = '';
$this->__('Invalid block size').': '.strlen($binaryData);
return false;
$checksum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 148; $i++) $checksum+=ord(substr($binaryData, $i, 1));
for ($i = 148; $i < 156; $i++) $checksum += ord(' ');
for ($i = 156; $i < 512; $i++) $checksum+=ord(substr($binaryData, $i, 1));
$unpack_data = unpack('a100filename/a8mode/a8user_id/a8group_id/a12size/a12time/a8checksum/a1typeflag/a100link/a6magic/a2version/a32uname/a32gname/a8devmajor/a8devminor', $binaryData);
$header['checksum'] = OctDec(trim($unpack_data['checksum']));
if ($header['checksum'] != $checksum){
$header['filename'] = '';
if (($checksum == 256) && ($header['checksum'] == 0)) return true;
$this->errors[] = __('Error checksum for file ').$unpack_data['filename'];
return false;
if (($header['typeflag'] = $unpack_data['typeflag']) == '5') $header['size'] = 0;
$header['filename'] = trim($unpack_data['filename']);
$header['mode'] = OctDec(trim($unpack_data['mode']));
$header['user_id'] = OctDec(trim($unpack_data['user_id']));
$header['group_id'] = OctDec(trim($unpack_data['group_id']));
$header['size'] = OctDec(trim($unpack_data['size']));
$header['time'] = OctDec(trim($unpack_data['time']));
return true;
function writeHeader($filename, $keep_filename){
$packF = 'a100a8a8a8a12A12';
$packL = 'a1a100a6a2a32a32a8a8a155a12';
if (strlen($keep_filename)<=0) $keep_filename = $filename;
$filename_ready = $this->makeGoodPath($keep_filename);
if (strlen($filename_ready) > 99){ //write long header
$dataFirst = pack($packF, '././LongLink', 0, 0, 0, sprintf('%11s ', DecOct(strlen($filename_ready))), 0);
$dataLast = pack($packL, 'L', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
// Calculate the checksum
$checksum = 0;
// First part of the header
for ($i = 0; $i < 148; $i++)
$checksum += ord(substr($dataFirst, $i, 1));
// Ignore the checksum value and replace it by ' ' (space)
for ($i = 148; $i < 156; $i++)
$checksum += ord(' ');
// Last part of the header
for ($i = 156, $j=0; $i < 512; $i++, $j++)
$checksum += ord(substr($dataLast, $j, 1));
// Write the first 148 bytes of the header in the archive
$this->writeBlock($dataFirst, 148);
// Write the calculated checksum
$checksum = sprintf('%6s ', DecOct($checksum));
$binaryData = pack('a8', $checksum);
$this->writeBlock($binaryData, 8);
// Write the last 356 bytes of the header in the archive
$this->writeBlock($dataLast, 356);
$tmp_filename = $this->makeGoodPath($filename_ready);
$i = 0;
while (($buffer = substr($tmp_filename, (($i++)*512), 512)) != ''){
$binaryData = pack('a512', $buffer);
return true;
$file_info = stat($filename);
if (@is_dir($filename)){
$typeflag = '5';
$size = sprintf('%11s ', DecOct(0));
} else {
$typeflag = '';
$size = sprintf('%11s ', DecOct(filesize($filename)));
$dataFirst = pack($packF, $filename_ready, sprintf('%6s ', DecOct(fileperms($filename))), sprintf('%6s ', DecOct($file_info[4])), sprintf('%6s ', DecOct($file_info[5])), $size, sprintf('%11s', DecOct(filemtime($filename))));
$dataLast = pack($packL, $typeflag, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
$checksum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 148; $i++) $checksum += ord(substr($dataFirst, $i, 1));
for ($i = 148; $i < 156; $i++) $checksum += ord(' ');
for ($i = 156, $j = 0; $i < 512; $i++, $j++) $checksum += ord(substr($dataLast, $j, 1));
$this->writeBlock($dataFirst, 148);
$checksum = sprintf('%6s ', DecOct($checksum));
$binaryData = pack('a8', $checksum);
$this->writeBlock($binaryData, 8);
$this->writeBlock($dataLast, 356);
return true;
function openWrite(){
if ($this->isGzipped)
$this->tmp_file = gzopen($this->archive_name, 'wb9f');
$this->tmp_file = fopen($this->archive_name, 'wb');
if (!($this->tmp_file)){
$this->errors[] = __('Cannot write to file').' '.$this->archive_name;
return false;
return true;
function readBlock(){
if (is_resource($this->tmp_file)){
if ($this->isGzipped)
$block = gzread($this->tmp_file, 512);
$block = fread($this->tmp_file, 512);
} else $block = '';
return $block;
function writeBlock($data, $length = 0){
if (is_resource($this->tmp_file)){
if ($length === 0){
if ($this->isGzipped)
gzputs($this->tmp_file, $data);
fputs($this->tmp_file, $data);
} else {
if ($this->isGzipped)
gzputs($this->tmp_file, $data, $length);
fputs($this->tmp_file, $data, $length);
function closeTmpFile(){
if (is_resource($this->tmp_file)){
if ($this->isGzipped)
$this->tmp_file = 0;
function makeGoodPath($path){
if (strlen($path)>0){
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
$partPath = explode('/', $path);
$els = count($partPath)-1;
for ($i = $els; $i>=0; $i--){
if ($partPath[$i] == '.'){
// Ignore this directory
} elseif ($partPath[$i] == '..'){
elseif (($partPath[$i] == '') and ($i!=$els) and ($i!=0)){
} else
$result = $partPath[$i].($i!=$els ? '/'.$result : '');
} else $result = '';
return $result;